Areas of work
  • Big Data & HPC
  • AI & GenAI
  • Data Science
  • Quantum Computing
  • IoT & Edge Computing

We tackle your complex and digitals problems

Yobistrust is here to support your business for innovation and digital transformation. We consider several types of partnerships such R&D collaboration, fixed-price contract and delegation of skills.


Yobitrust places cybersecurity and privacy (privacy by design) at the heart of its solutions based on «Classical and Post-Quantum Cryptography».

Healthcare & Biotechnology

Yobitrust provides a better understanding of disease onset and development for early diagnostic and personalised treatment via hybrid algorithms Data Science & AI , adapted for «Classical and Quantum Computing».

Industry 4.0

Yobitrust solves your combinatorial optimisation problems (NP-Hard) in the field of industry 4.0 (energy, manufacturing, logistics and mobility) via "Classical and Quantum Computing".

AI & Generative AI

Yobitrust offers customized solutions for classification, clustering and predict from high dimensional and heterogenous datasets. Our innovation emerges from novel mixte-algorithms based Machine Learning, Deep learning, Large Language Models (LLMs) and Statistics of Extremes. Our expertise is designed to solve very specific problems in the fields of insurance, banking, health and climate, where risk measurement (extreme values) is one of the most valuable objectives.

Data Governance, Big Data Architect and Data Engineering

Yobitrust helps you design and implement your data governance strategy. We offers customized platform based on distribued architecture for collection, Ingestion, storage ,reporting ,visualization and analytics your data. We collection your data via diverse sources such database (SQL and NoSQL), device IoT, API and web&Mobile service.

Research & Development


Q-DSAI Lab's invests in multidisciplinary R&D focused on DSAI to deliver ever more efficient and innovative solutions. Today we are solving difficult mathematical problems applied to health, climate, industry 4.0, insurance and banking with classical computing and preparing for the future to solve these same problems with quantum computing.

Our successful projects

Development of a platform for large-scale multimedia and multimodal data ingestion, storage, processing and analysis (Aerospace and Telecom).

Embedded solution (drones) for extreme risk rescue based on AI and multi-sensor IoT (security &smart city).

Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms for intrusion detection in Scada systems (SIEM for nuclear centres).

Implementation of intrusion detection algorithms using Machine Learning and Deep Learning (Cybersecurity for Cloud Computing).

Development of an egde computing (IoT) solution for real-time medical diagnosis based on biosensors and artificial intelligence (Health).

Design of data processing and analysis for digital marketing (Insurance).

Development of algorithms for corpus analysis (NLP) in non-life actuarial via Machine Learning and Deep Learning (Insurance).

Implementation of a scoring model for media marketing (Media).

Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms for behavioural analysis of online credit card fraude (Banking).

Development of a multivariate prediction solution for patent life (Cosmetics industry).

Solution for pre-processing and prediction of gas consumption (Energy Industry 4.0).

Core Team

Ramdane Mouloua
Head of Quantum Computing
Expertise in Quantum simulators and transpilation methods, High-Performance Computing and Distributed Systems.
Head of AI Research and Training
Research fields Applied mathematics, AI, planetology, earth sciences, satellites, space missions, astrophysics and astronomy.
Head of Data Scientist.
Martin is an expert in ML and MLOps engineering.
Founder & CEO.
Chief Data Scientist Officer and expert probabilistic statistician with nearly 20 years of experience.
Expertise in human genetics and molecular biology.
Co-Founde & Chief Scientific Officer
Dr Blanchemaison, MD, is a vascular medicine specialist since 28 years. He was associated with the Paris public hospitalsystem during 12 years while serving during 8 years as the chief editor of the journal “International Vascular News”.

Scientific Advisory Board

Chair of Yobitrust’s scientific advisory board.
He is member of the French Academy of Sciences and Emeritus Professor at Sorbonne University. His early interest in non-parametric estimation in high-dimension, convergence of estimates and multivariate extrem value, made of him a world renowned mathematician..
Charles LOOMIS
Yobitrust’s scientific advisory board.
He is Yobitrust's scientific advisor for hybrid Cloud & Edge computing (HPC). D. in high energy physics, he has worked at CERN and at the linear accelerator laboratory (CNRS, France)..
App Screen

Job & Internship

You are interested to join our talent network and be part of a dynamic start-up? You wish to gain knowledge in Data Science ,AI and Big Data at the same time? You think you can bring value to our organization? Then contact us for an opportunity.

Our Partners

  • Maison Des Mathématiques &YobiTrust
    113, Avenue Victor Hugo
    75016 Paris France.

    20 Rue de Suez,
    Le Bardo 2000 Tunis, Tunisia.
  • (+33) 662320176 Fr

    (+216) 2474572 Tun
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